Phone: (715) 877-1532
Address: 530 E Lincoln Ave., PO Box 156, Fall Creek, WI 54742
Notices & Services
Village Burn/Composite Site
The Village maintains a burn/compost site located at the Wastewater Treatment Plant that accepts clean, unpainted wood, garden waste, leaves and grass clippings only.
Hours of operation are:
April – October: 1st & 3rd Sat AM from 9 – noon, 2nd & 4th Wed PM from 4 – 6
November: 1st & 2nd Sat AM from 9 – noon. Closed December – March.
Winter Parking
In order to promote public safety and safe, efficient snow removal, it shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on any public street (or portion thereof) during the months of November, December, January, February, and March between the hours of midnight and 6:00 a.m., when there is any accumulation of snow. Per Village Code §249.D.(1)
Snow Removal
Snow must be removed from sidewalks within 24 hours of snowfall. Violators will be fined.